Wednesday 5 January 2011

Magic Lantern Part II

Since posting my previous results regarding the Qscale setting on the recording Bitrate of the video, it has been mentioned that a more active scene with more motion would bring out more of a difference. I filmed the rain splashing onto the ground and i used a smaller aperture to capture a crisper shot this time. At 100% crop there is still very little difference, however i think i have spotted a subtle difference in the bitrates.

Here are the 100% crop shots - shot at 24fps 1080p
Default setting - total bitrate 55Mpbs

-14 - total bitrate 62Mpbs

-15 - total bitrate 85Mbps (same as  -16 for some reason)

-16 - total bitrate 85Mbps

Ok so like before, very little difference if any between the settings. I decided to see if the bitrate would effect the areas more in shadow and so I increased the exposure 2 stops in post production and did an enlargement of the bottom right corner of the image.
Here are the results:




It appears as though the fine detail is slightly more defined in the -16 setting, if you look at the size of the  Macroblocks, the appears to be smaller in the -16 setting. In motion it appears as though these areas have a subtle noise to them in the -16, whereas in the default setting they look to just be a blurry mess. Does this mean that the higher settings will give more flexibility in terms of colorizing and post production? Perhaps.

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